gramicidin s การใช้
- This is in contrast to gramicidin S, which is a cyclic peptide chain.
- It is synthesized by gramicidin S synthetase.
- During his doctoral studies, Schmidt took part in structural studies of biologically important molecules, focusing on the structure of the antibacterial natural peptide Gramicidin S using the method of X-ray crystallography.
- In three major studies, David Baker and co-workers " de novo " designed enzymes for the nonribosomal peptide synthetase that produces Gramicidin S, from its natural substrate phenylalanine to other noncognate substrates including charged amino acids; the redesigned enzymes had activities close to those of the wild-type.
- By 1947, Martin, Synge and their collaborators had applied this method ( along with Fred Sanger's reagent for identifying N-terminal residues ) to determine the pentapeptide sequence of Gramicidin S . These and related paper chromatography methods were also foundational to Fred Sanger's effort to determine the amino acid sequence of insulin.
- By contrast with the nonribosomal peptide synthetases that produces some cyclic peptides like gramicidin S, SICLOPPS offers the advantage that the peptides'structure can be encoded by DNA in a simple manner according to the genetic code, but for this reason it imposes limitations on the types of amino acids incorporated that are comparable to those that apply to ordinary proteins.